Social networks
Check me out on instagram, twitter and facebook .
3Long time ago

Hey guys😋
So today marks exactly 44 days before my new #book #untouchablelove comes out. I am so excited to share Alsisha and Jason's story. Anybody could really relate with it. I have started a facebook group for everyone to stay up to date with all the things i am up to.... so go join.
The name is Mia-Lize van der Merwe's Sunlight Smilers. (Once you read the book you will figure out why I chose that name)
Then I also have a newsletter that you guys can go sign up for. The link is in my bio.
#author #teengirl #teenauthor #teenwriter #youngadultbooks
9Long time ago

#wednesday #foodforthesoal #bible #bibleverse #biblequotes #biblestudy #favouritebibleverse #helovesyoulikecrazy #july
111Long time ago

Does anyone else put their favorite books on the window sill?
#book #booklover #favourite #author #writer #read #reader #reading #bookstagram #books #bookworm #bookaholics #lovetoread #romancenovels
22Long time ago

#red #reddress #fabulous #actor #actress #drama #acting #model #plussizemodel #plussize #teenmodel #teenplussizemodel #teengirl #instamodel #instafashion #selfie
11Long time ago

#model #plussizemodel #teenmodel #teenplussizemodel #actress #actor #drama #photo #photography #photoshoot #red #leather #leatherjacket #highschool #littleblackdress #awesome #fabulous #love #instamodel #amazing #talent
317Long time ago

#dad #father #fatherdaughter #pa #paendogter #wimpy #johnannesburg #soundenjineer #coffie #southafricanactors #leatherjacket #boer #awesome #daughter
19Long time ago

More photos of my #photoshoot a few weeks back 😍
#model #plussizefashion #plussizemodel #photoshoot #black #actress #actorslife🎬 #actor #faboulous #fall #southafricanactors #southafricanactresses #southafricanmodels #southafricansingers
117Long time ago

Something we as a sociaty turn a blind eye to.
#stopthesilence #enoughisenough #abuse #art #strength #stop #fear #myowndrawing #artist
14Long time ago

#sweater #sweaterweather #winterholiday #winter #winterbreak #model #actor #actress #author #faboulous #amazing #thursday #june #2019
20Long time ago

#leather #leatherjacket #model #singer #actor #actress #drama #ML #faboulous #amazing #wednesday #june #alwayswearingblack #holiday #break #winter #winterholiday #winterbreak #highschool #cantwaitfortheweekend
217Long time ago

#sunday #church #baptistchurch #carletonville #style #glamour #warrior #strength #revival #drama #actor #actress #singer #gospel #model #writer #author #june #instaworthy #fashion #fashionable #winter #cold #holiday
123Long time ago

#girl #teenagegirl #nature #winter #cold #actor #actress #singer #author #writer
125Long time ago

#selfie #actor #actress #author #model #music #instaworthy #winter #cold #holiday #break #books #book #fun #unique
16Long time ago

#winter #scarf #mysterios #girl #teen #teenagegirl #model #actor #actress #author #writer #instaworthy #cold #faboulous #holiday #friday #break #frozen
218Long time ago
5Long time ago

😍 Hey guys😍
I am so excited to announce that my first book will be coming out this September at all major ebook retailers. Be sure to go check out my website 🤩 and keep an eye on my social media pages as I will be sharing some teasers of the book very soon..... #books #author #authorsofinstagram #authorslife #September #bookcover #bookreveal
131Long time ago

#actor #actress #singer #model #photoshoot #fall #actorslife🎬
139Long time ago

#selfie #actor #actress #art #act #acting #music #singer #southafricanactresses #model #writer #writersofinstagram #books #bookstagram
166Long time ago

#selfie #actor #actress #act #drama #music #model #girl #art #youtuber #southafricanwomen #southafricanmodels #southafricanactresses #southafricanactors #fashion #church #churchlook #sunday #fabulous #singer
468Long time ago

#acting #actress #act #music #model #IATS #talent #actor #thefuture
165Long time ago

Ready for my audition today😇
#act #acting #actress #singer #music #drama #nervous #excited
55Long time ago

336Long time ago
305Long time ago
388Long time ago